Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 1 EOC: My Voice

Living in the City of Sin has not been the easiest part of my life. But I have stayed determined to finish school and gain as much experience as possible as a photographer. Looking through the lens I see the world in a completely different light. The homeless man on the street begging for change becomes a timeless work of art through my lens. I hold all of the world’s beauty and am able to capture it through my camera. The photos I take center me and remind me just how amazing the world can truly be. The light we see is not the light that is there. I keep my shutter open a little longer and am able to discover a whole other world of light and possibilities. I am as eager as a child learning how to crawl. I want to know all the possibilities that are out there for my camera and me. I am rediscovering myself, or as I realize now, I am just discovering myself for the first time through my camera. If the only thing I am able to offer to this world is the images I create, I will be satisfied with my life. It is my passion that has brought me here, and I will stay focused and pursue to achieve my goals.

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