Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 1 EOC: Stallions not Unicorns

As far as what kind of business I would like to have following school, it would be a mix of magazine and portrait work. I hope to be working as a lead photographer, mostly doing freelance work. I would like to do for the most part print work in magazines. I hope to be doing interior design work as well as some commercial work. My business will be focused on this type of work so that I am able to sustain and advance my business. I also would like to do side work as a portrait photographer as well as some events. My ultimate dream would be to work for a music magazine working along musicians and artists. In order to achieve that dream I need to establish myself as a professional who is able to produce quality print work as well as portraits. My passions have always revolved around music and interior design. I will work to build my photography business around these passions as to never limit myself.

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